Congresses Hamburg

We organise your congress in Hamburg

The Congress Centrum and the trade fair are more centrally located in Hamburg than in almost any other city. An ideal platform for business events. In addition, the elegant ambience of the Hanseatic city, a wide selection of very good business hotels, and the reliable Hanseatic way - Hamburg is far ahead in many areas.

With both our expertise in professional organisation and execution of congresses, exhibitions, conferences, and trade fairs, this infrastructure offers you as a customer the best conditions for a successful business event on a high level.

We offer the following services:

  • Selecting the congress location (hotel or trade fair / Congress Centrum)
  • participation management with online registration
  • Travel organisation / railway event tickets / air travel,
  • bus transfers from airport service to a city tour
  • Traditional and extraordinary supporting programmes for small and large groups
  • Attractive workshops in unusual locations
  • Friendly hostesses and trained service personnel

....and much more to make your congress a success. Our team with congress experience will support you with expertise and verve.

Would you like to learn more? Feel free to contact us.